Our core competence is the management of medical data. This means that our products are an important part of the digitization of the healthcare industry. The JiveX software solutions are characterized by an open interface architecture and are based on the use of international IT standards such as IHE and DICOM. We are experts in consolidating all medical data, such as X-ray images, videos, ECGs and physician letters. We make it possible to aggregate and archive all of the relevant data for a patient’s treatment process in a system. From there, that data can be inspected, displayed, and distributed in a way that is tailored to the specific use case. Our software solutions support hospitals and medical practices in effectively improving their patients’ care.

Our core competence is the management of medical data. This means that our products are an important part of the digitization of the healthcare industry. The JiveX software solutions are characterized by an open interface architecture and are based on the use of international IT standards such as IHE and DICOM. We are experts in consolidating all medical data, such as X-ray images, videos, ECGs and physician letters. We make it possible to aggregate and archive all of the relevant data for a patient’s treatment process in a system. From there, that data can be inspected, displayed, and distributed in a way that is tailored to the specific use case. Our software solutions support hospitals and medical practices in effectively improving their patients’ care.

Die medizinischen Disziplinen rücken stetig enger zusammen. Abteilungs- und Einrichtungsgrenzen werden zugunsten einer ganzheitlichen, interdisziplinären und sektorübergreifenden Patientenversorgung überwunden. Um diese Prozesse zu unterstützen, muss auch die IT neue Wege beschreiten und sicherstellen, dass medizinische Daten nicht länger ein Inseldasein führen. Gefragt sind skalierbare Lösungen, die hochfunktional sind und gleichzeitig den Weg für eine krankenhausweite Datenverfügbarkeit ebnen. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, basiert JiveX auf einem modularen Konzept. JiveX Enterprise PACS, JiveX Integrated Imaging (PACS-II) und JiveX Medical Archive bilden dabei die drei Hauptproduktsegmente, die sich flexibel und anwenderfreundlich an die individuellen Bedürfnisse anpassen.
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Clinique de La Source

Clinique de La Source in Lausanne (Switzerland) trusts FAST LTA for Complete Data Protection

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