Silent Bricks & Veeam

Video: © Veeam

[The Silent Brick] is best described as an iPhone of air-gapped disk-based storage.

Veeam Ready.

Silent Bricks are officially "Veeam Ready" as Repository, Tape and Object Store.

Silent Bricks.

The right configuration for every aspect of your modern backup.

Start Anywhere.

Replace or supplement individual areas, modernize step by step.

Watch on Youtube:

The Backup Webinar

Benedikt Däumling (Veeam) and René Weber (FAST LTA) are explaining the basics of a Veeam Backup & Replication setup utilizing FAST LTA Silent Bricks as backup storage.


Silent Bricks are the ideal backup storage for Veeam Backup Essentials and Veeam Backup & Replication. Ransomware-proof, with support for InstantRecovery and SureBackup. Whether as SecureNAS + VTL or as SecureNAS with Replication, and as S3-compatible Object Store including support for the Veeam Capacity Tier.

Silent Bricks are Veeam Ready

Veeam Mini Guides

In our exemplary quick guides for a complete backup plan with Silent Bricks and Veeam Availability Suite you will read:

  • you can cover all aspects of VM and NAS backup in a single storage system
  • you can realize highest data security, protection against ransomware and Air Gap
  • to configure and scale each area of your backup individually
  • you can outsource large full backups to on premises object stores to save space
  • ...and all this without tapes.

Mini Guides #1 to #5 are available now

Clients using Veeam

Gemeentekantoor 1 | FAST LTA
Gemeente Gennep

“The air-gap is directly visible. That gives certainty”

TLF 4556 klein | FAST LTA
Scheugenpflug AG

Elastic data backup at Scheugenpflug with Silent Bricks from FAST LTA

Web Aussenaufnahme | FAST LTA
Cölner Hofbräu P. Josef Früh KG

Met Hätz jemaat in Kölle.*

Kempten intensiv | FAST LTA
Klinikverbund Kempten-Oberallgäu gGmbH

Into the digital future in less than two months

[1] Full quote from the forum newsletter "A Word From Gostev", November 2019:

"This [vulneraibility of NAS-Systems] again shows the importance of air-gapped backups, and brings me to the next topic: this German company that I haven't heard before until this week, but was left deeply impressed with after their visit to our HQ with the hardware to do Veeam Ready certification testing. I spent some time trying to find words to best describe their product called The Silent Brick, and I think the best comparison is "an iPhone of air-gapped disk-based storage". By itself, the concept of rugged and easily offline-able disk-based data container is not new – what makes this one special is that I found it incredibly satisfying to use. These folks have clearly put much effort into the actual user experience. Besides, each Silent Brick protects data with the efficient data redundancy algorithm, making a good solution even for longer-term archival. Disclaimer: please don't consider this as an official endorsement from Veeam. Also, FAST LTA did not ask me to blog about them - I just got excited about the art behind this tech, and decided to spread the word."